Project 1999 – Fixing my display issues

Over the last few weeks I’ve been in the mood for a bit of reminiscent gaming. Specifically…Everquest. So I downloaded EQ Titanium, followed the walkthrough on and created TimTheEnchanter.

The startup and character screen music brought back an avalanche of memories. I really had no idea how much I actually missed the original game…the original meaning not the bloated monster that’s currently out there for mostly free by Daybreak or whoever.

The game didn’t load in full screen but I quickly found that Alt+Enter would fix that. The load screen didn’t have a display option for 1920 x 1080 so I edited the eqclient.ini in the install directory so it was a little closer to fitting, but sometimes the page would still bleed off the edge of the screen.

I finally found under “options” while ingame, you could click “display” tab, then click the full screen button, then adjust the display to 1920 x 1080 on the button right next to it and this will realign your screen so that everything fits nicely. Unfortunately, if you alt-tab you have to do this all over again. I’m still searching for a better workaround but until I find one…I guess it works. Hope this helps someone else fiddling with display on EQ.
